Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bear Lake with the Warner's and Mitchell's

The first couple of days were cold and windy. I was freezing with a blanket, but the kids were not going to come in for nothing. Carson was shaking because of the cold. I finally got him to where the sweatshirt, but that is about all that helped.
The last day we were at the lake everyone got out on the water winnie and my mom and the three kids stayed on the boat. My mom was going in a straight line nothing crazy at all. Bryan pointed towards the beach and all you could see was sand whiping up. My mom stopped the boat and as soon as she did a wave picked the water winnie up and tossed it. I kid you not, it was the fastest wind storm I had ever seen. My mom started the boat, which caused the rope to jam into the motor. You can't even imagine what it was like. For 35 minutes our boat got tossed around in the water with three little kids getting drenched with water with every wave. I could not for the life of me get the rope out of the motor or untie it. We prayed so hard and the Lord helped us because the rope became loose and we were able to go and pick everyone up. Everyone thought that we had gotten thrown off the boat because of how big the waves were and our boat was parallel to them. When we got to shore we discovered that nearly everything we had on the beach had been blown away! We are just so thankful that we made it in.

Carson loved riding on the tube and the boat.
This is Carson getting mad because I had them stop for a picture and he was going for a RIDE on the waverunner. He would sit and say to my dad WIDE WIDE over and over until they went.


The Ashtons said...

Hey Bean,
Are you feeling any better yet? How long are you here for?
Love Spann

Ryan said...

Sounds pretty crazy! I'm glad you guys all made it back safely. You should send some of that wind and coldness here to Florida.