On Memorial day we went up to Sky Mountain Resort where my parents are building a cabin. We decided to go up and ride the 4-wheelers around and go swimming. Carson loves to go on the 4-wheelers with Grandpa. My dad had him in the front so he could see everything. He was grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Every now and again he would try to drive. I can't believe he loves going on them so much. We rode around for abour three hours. The only time Carson started to get a little fussy was the last 20 minutes of the ride. I decided to have him jump on with us and he was a sleep so fast. He was so tired. We had a lot of fun hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma.
Carson sure is going to miss them both. As soon as my dad walks into the house after work he starts yelling grandpa! grandpa! and instantly my dad has a new friend for the rest of the night.My Dad went and bought a little 4-wheeeler for Dax and Carson. They spend countless hours driving around my parents backyard. Carson holds on so tight to Dax while he is driving around. It is the funniest thing to watch them go around and around and just laugh the entire time.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Posted by Leishman family at 9:46 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Taylor and I went on a cruise last week. We had a lot of fun. We probably would have had even more fun if we drank, but then we would not have remembered it! We decided that cruises are spring break for old people.
The first day we pretty much just ate everything in sight and had an evacuation drill. This is us in our life jackets practicing the drill.
It was windy the frist day at sea so we did not get in the water much. Instead we went and got 85 minute seaweed massages, and then I got a facial which was so relaxing.
We again pretty much just ate everything we could that day and everyday we were on our cruise. The food was great and it was free! Every night around midnight we went and got a pizza and a hamburger. Taylor ate the hot dogs and could not stop talking about how good they were. I think it was because it was so late .
On the second night they have a formal night. We got dressed up and after they had a broadway show which actually was really good.
In Jamaica we met this guy named Jack on our tour with a local. He took us everywhere . The rainforest was beautiful . There was a lot of poverty in Jamaica and it was not very clean. We hiked up a waterfall which was probably close to 3/4 a mile. It was so cool. We had to rent water shoes to be able to go up the falls. Taylor fell a couple of times because he was leading our group.
This was the highlight of the trip. In the grand cayman we went swimming with sting rays. It was so cool! I was terrified at the beginning . They come right up to you and rub against your legs. This completly freaked me out at first but after a while you just got use to it. We were able to hold one and got a picture.
On the ship there was a rock climbing wall which we went on. We were actually pretty good at rock climbing. My arms were so sore from climbing the wall.
We got off the ship at 10:00 and our flight did not leave until 5:00 so we went to an arcade resterant and played some arcades it was a lot of fun. Taylor and I had a boxing round. Taylor won his man. I did not go very far.
Posted by Leishman family at 9:14 PM 6 comments

Posted by Leishman family at 8:28 AM 5 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
100 Things about Me!
1. I was born on June 6, 1982.
2. I love chocolate cake.
3. I want to run in the Boston marathon.
4. When I was little I pulled out about 6 of my teeth, they were not loose, because I got sick of waiting for them to fall out.
5. I love post-it notes. I have 7 stuck to the computer right now with different lists.
6. I graduated from Ricks collage with an associate’s degree in photography.
7. I then graduated from BYU with a bachelor’s degree in photography.
8. I lived in Quenca, Ecuador for 5 months and worked in different orphanages.
9. I was on student government in High School.
10. I was student body president over my Jr. High.
11. My first bloody nose was playing tackle football with my brother’s friends.
12. My favorite place to be as a kid was at my grandma’s house.
13. I broke my tale bone going down a vacant water slide with a skate board.
14. I hate watching TV for more than an hour. I go CRAZY!!!
15. I get board really easy, and always want stuff planned.
16. I hate being late.
17. My favorite fruit is a peach, not from the store.
18. I love anything to do with water.
19. I was a lifeguard at seven peaks right after high school.
20. I have ridden in an ambulance twice because my airway was closed.
21. I played the piano for five years until my mom finally let me stop after refusing to practice.
22. I hate when people tell me I can’t do something. I usually prove them wrong.
23. I ran a marathon last year.
24. I love being married to Taylor.
25. I’m a mom.
26. I love canned corn.
27. I get annoyed when people don’t have any drive or motivation.
28. I was raised next to my grandparents and cousins.
29. I sold cherries when I was little to earn money.
30. I played softball when I was in high school.
31. My favorite color is Red.
32. I love being busy.
33. My favorite TV show is the bachelor, and lost.
34. I love amusement parks.
35. I want to take voice lessons and sing a solo.
36. I enjoy anything to do with water.
37. I make list’s every day of things I want to do or need to get done.
38. I have a list of 30 things I want to do before I die I have done 6.
39. I can’t sleep at night unless I put lotion on my feet. My feet itch to bad and it drives me crazy.
40. I get scared at night, and check the doors ( 90% of the time Taylor checks).
41. I put up canned food every year.
42. My dream is to be on a reality TV show.
43. I started my own business in photography and am staying busy.
44. My favorite time of year is the summer.
45. I breed bunny’s one summer. The mother would not take care of them so I got up every two hours and fed them by hand for six weeks.
46. I have rolled a four-wheeler and walked away.
47. I rode my bike 50-60 miles to our cabin one summer. With my dad and brother.
48. I enjoy camping and being outside.
49. Loose hair is the sickest thing to me.
50. I enjoy cooking and have started to find more recipes that I like cooking.
51. I hate junk. I’m not a pack rat at all.
52. I like to have everything organized.
53. I wear an 8.5 shoe.
54. I started my first job at 15 and was the manager by 16.
55. I was a waitress for two years while I went to collage.
56. I love making budgets and figuring out where our money is going.
57. I have been collecting spoons since I was little and have over a 100.
58. I also collected trolls when I was little and still have them all. There are over 100 trolls and I use to be able to remember all of the names I had given them.
59. I shared a room with my sister when I was growing up.
60. I drove my friends cars illegally when I was 15.
61. I would not go to preschool until my mom let me pierce my ears.
62. I got my second hole when I was 12.
63. My favorite music is country.
64. I want to go to China before I die.
65. My favorite thing to do is be with family.
66. I don’t enjoy long talks on the phone.
67. I’m the champion at suduko.
68. I love laughing.
69. I don’t handle stress well.
70. I never leave anything to the last minute.
71. I love going out to eat.
72. I go out to eat at least three times a week.
73. I have gone shopping every year on my birthday since I can remember with my mom and sister.
74. I love shopping and wish I could go on a 10,000 dollar shopping spree one day.
75. My favorite movie is “how to loose a guy in ten days.”
76. I love getting flowers when they are not expected.
77. I have only taken my wedding ring off to get cleaned.
78. I love getting my feet rubbed before bed.
79. I get antsy on plane rides.
80. My favorite day of the week is Sunday.
81. My favorite drink is either milk or water.
82. I love the rain, and the smell after.
83. I love doing romantic things with Taylor.
84. I have no curl in my hair. It is bone straight.
85. I rollerbladed or rode my bike everywhere when I was a kid.
86. I had swimming lessons every summer.
87. My mom and sister are my best Girl friends.
88. Taylor is my number one friend.
89. I watch Judge Judy with my grandpa at 3:00.
90. I don’t like things on my porch. I think it looks cluttered.
91. I have extremely low blood pressure.
92. My dad never could get mad at me, still to this day, because I just start laughing.
93. I love being social.
94. I sometimes just cry and don’t have any idea why. Believe me Taylor asks and there is no reason it just feels good to cry.
95. It takes me 30 minutes to get ready for bed.
96. I’m LDS.
97. I hate Cats.
98. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip.
99. My favorite ice cream is cookie dough ice cream.
100. I love being a MOM and wife.
Posted by Leishman family at 12:45 PM 2 comments